Gina Rodriguez and Britney Spears dancing Lobby of Marbella Hotel - Built Set Marbella Hotel - Built Set Marbella Hotel - Built Set Hotel Branding Designs Petra's Penthouse - Built Set Petra's Penthouse - Built Set Petra's Penthouse- Built Set Carved Peacock and custom buffet Petra's Penthouse - entry to Bathroom - Built set Bathroom - Custom Agate mural - Built Set Petra's Office - Built Set in Location Petra's office - custom mural Raphael's Office- Built Set in Location Raphael's Office Bridal Salon - Built Set Bridal Salon - Built Set Rogelio's Dressing Room - Built Set Rogelio's Vegas Act - Built Set Rogelio's Cobbler Set - Built Set Rogelio's Court play- Built set Jazz Club - Built Set Adding Miami Look to location - Set Build Adding Miami Look to a Location - Set build Location - Built Coffee shop to block location